1. 西交利物浦大学智库平台建设项目 2019-2020 结题(负责人)
2. 商务印书馆学术外译出版项目 《农民的政治》2015-2017 结题 (主持)
3. 山东省人文社会科学项目 《村民自治背景下农村生态环境治理问题研究》 (12-ZC-SH-09)2012-2013 结题(主持)
4. 山东省社科规划《英国的乡村环保运动对山东省生态乡村文明建设的启示(12CGLJ04)2012-2014 结题(主持)
5. 中国博士后科学基金第54批面上项目《乡村扶贫视野下的驻村“第一书记”研究》(2015M581136)2015-2018 结题 (主持)
6. ESRC(UK) Expanding, Not Shrinking Social Programmes: The Politics of NewPolicies to Tackle Poverty and Inequality in Brazil, India, China and SouthAfrica, 2012-2015 结题(参与)
1. ‘Principle-Guided Policy Experimentation in China: From Rural Taxand Fee Reform to Hu and Wen’s Abolition of Agricultural Tax’, The ChinaQuarterly (237), 2019.
2. ‘Why do Authoritarian Regimes Provide Public Goods? The Role ofPolicy Communities and Ideas in China’, Europe-Asia Studies (69), 2017 (secondauthor, co-authored with Jane Duckett).
3. ‘Poverty and Inequality’, in Jacques DeLisle and Avery Goldstein(ed.) China’s Challenges, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015,pp. 25-41 (second author, co-authored with Jane Duckett).
4. ‘Social Security and Welfare’, in David Goodman (ed.) Handbook ofResearch on Politics in China, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, pp. 238-250(first author, co-authored with Jane Duckett).
5. ‘The People’s Republic of China’, in J.A. Chandler (ed.)Comparative Public Administration, Second Edition, London: Routledge, 2014, pp.174-197 (second author, co-authored with Thomas Johnson).
6. 政治庇护主义视角下村委会选举中的选民因素分析——基于对山东省B村三次选举的案例分析. 中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2013(3) (第一作者).
7. 国外村民自治研究的三种理论路径评析及庇护主义视角的提出 [J]. 烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2013(1).
8. 村委会直选后乡镇对村庄的“行政-庇护”型控驭模式分析——基于山东省X镇的案例. 山东行政学院学报, 2013(6). .
9. 英国商学院的发展与改革. 高教发展与评估. 2013(4).
1. Tamed VillageDemocracy: Elections, Governance and Clientelism in a Contemporary ChineseVillage [M]. Springer-Verlag, 2014.
2. The Politicsof Farmers (by Zhao Shukai), Springer and The Commercial Press, 2017 (独立英文译者,《农民的政治》, 施普林格-商务印书馆联合出版入选国务院新闻办、国家新闻出版广电总局“中国图书对外推广计划推荐书目”)