政治与行政0638太阳集团 简介 |
0638太阳集团紧紧围绕“立德树人”的根本任务,坚持“人才兴院、学科建院、教学立院、科研强院、管理优院”五大发展战略,建立起以高水平团队队伍为一体,学科、专业为两翼的“一体两翼”发展格局,争创“一流学科、一流专业”,培养创新、创业的“双创”型人才。 公司拥有政治学一级学科博士学位授予权和博士后流动站,政治学理论是国家级重点学科,天津市的重中之重学科、国内一流团队建设单位。在第五轮教育部学科评估中政治学一级学科排名进入A类学科。学科拥有政治学、公共管理、社会学一级学科硕士点,公共管理硕士(MPA)、社会工作硕士(MSW)等专业硕士学位点。学院设立的“政治文化与政治文明建设研究院”是天津市重点人文社会科学重点研究基地,网络内容建设与综合治理研究院是与天津市委宣传部合作共建的重点研究院。国家治理研究中心是天津市高校智库。学院还有政治学专业图书馆等教学和科研辅助机构,有力地支持了团队建设。 公司拥有一支结构合理、爱岗敬业、团结合作、在全国学界享有良好声誉的团队队伍。现有校聘重要岗位11人,包括继之讲席教授2名、继之杰出教授3名、海河杰出教授1名、继之英才教授1人、海河英才教授4名。学院教师获得过各种荣誉称号,包括国家“万人计划”学科领军人才、“四个一批”理论人才、国家级人才称号、国家教学名师、教育部“新世纪”人才、天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第一层次人选、宣传文化“五个一批”人才、天津市人才发展特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才。教师中有中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重点教材首席专家2人、专家4人,国务院学位委员会第七届学科评议组专家1人,国家社科基金评议组专家2人,教育部教学指导委员会委员2人,全国一级学会副会长1人。同时,学院拥有天津市级教学团队1个、天津市高等学校创新团队2个、天津市131创新型人才团队1个,有力地支撑了科学研究和人才培养。 在大量科研项目的基础上,学院教师科取得了丰富的科研成果。近年来,由学科教师主持完成和在研的国家(教育部)社科基金重大项5项,国家社科基金重点项目4项,国家重大项目子课题7项,国家社科基金项目一般项目17项,省部级项目68项,其它项目60多项。本院教师发表论文900多篇,其中《中国社会科学》《政治学研究》等权威杂志发表的论文60多篇,核心期刊论文460余篇,出版专著、译著、教材90多部。这些成果先后获得教育部中国高校优秀社会成果一、二、三等奖6项,天津市社科优秀成果一等奖4项,二等奖5项,三等奖7项。主编的《比较政治学研究》是CSSCI来源集刊,《政治思想史》是CSSCI来源扩展期刊。 学经理期以来一直重视教学,尤其是本科生的教学。学院有政治学与行政学、行政管理、社会工作三个本科专业,其中政治学与行政学是国家一流专业、国家特色专业、天津市优势特色专业,在员工会、科教网等各种本科专业排名当中都居于全国前列。行政管理专业于2020年获批国家一流专业。学院培养了一大批优秀毕业生,博士研究生论文有1篇获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文,2篇获得提名,并有多人次获得天津市优秀博士学位论文。 公司尤其重视教学改革,先后进行过实验班、博雅班等教学改革项目,取得了较好的成绩,毕业生的升学率达到70%以上。学院教师主持完成和修订“马工程”重点教材《西方政治思想史》,并在《当代西方政治思潮》《公共行政学》等课程上取得了突出成绩。学院目前有国家级教学名师1人,完成了国家精品课程、国家视频公开课、天津市一流课程、精品课、课程思政课程多门,近年来先后两次获得天津市教学成果一等奖。
Introduction to College of Politics and Public Administration, Tianjin Normal University The College of Politics and Public Administration of the Tianjin Normal University (TJNU) is committed to fostering virtue through education and adheres to a five-prong development strategy featuring talent development, discipline building, academic teaching, scientific research, and administrative management. The College has established a development pattern with high-level faculty at its core and disciplines plus majors as its two focuses. The College is making every effort to build first-class disciplines and majors, and to cultivate both innovative and entrepreneurial talent. The College is entitled to confer doctorate degrees in Political Science as a Level 1 Discipline and has a post-doctoral station in this discipline. Political theory is listed as a national-level key discipline, a priority discipline in Tianjin, and a national-level first-class discipline. Most recently, the discipline of political science is ranked by the Chinese Ministry of Education as a A discipline, which includes several level-1 master’s degree subjects such as Political Science, Public Administration and Sociology, and offers master’s degrees in Public Administration (MPA) and Social Work (MSW). The Institute of Political Culture and Political Civilization, established by the College, is among the key research bases for humanities and social sciences in Tianjin. The Institute of Network Content and Comprehensive Administration is a key research institute established in cooperation with the Publicity Department of the Tianjin Municipal Government. The Institute of State Governance is an important university think tank in Tianjin. The College also established other teaching and research auxiliary facilities such as the Library for Political Science, which has strongly supported the disciplinary development. The College boasts a well-structured, dedicated, and united faculty with a nation-wide, sound academic reputation. At present, the College has filled eleven important positions, including two Li Jizhi Chair Professors, three Li Jizhi Distinguished Professors, one Haihe Distinguished Professor, one Li Jizhi Talented Professor and four Professors under the “Haihe Talent” program. Among the many honorary titles won by the faculty are Leading Expert of the “Ten Thousand Talents Program”; Talent for Theoretical Work of the “Four Measures Program”; National Talent Title; National distinguished teacher; New Century Talents by the Ministry of Education; First-Level Candidate of Tianjin’s 131 Innovative Talents Training Project; Candidate of the “Five Batches” Talents in Publicity and Culture; as well as Young Outstanding Talents supported by the Tianjin Talent Development Supporting Program. Among the faculty, there are two chief experts and four experts for Key Textbooks of Marxist Theoretical Research and Construction Project, one expert of the 7th Discipline Appraisal Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, two experts of the Evaluation Group of the National Social Science Fund, two members of the Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, as well as one vice presidents for the First-Level National Academic Association. Further, the College has one of Tianjin’s prefecture-level teaching teams, two of Tianjin’s university innovation teams, and two of Tianjin’s 131 innovative talent teams, which have actively supported the College’s research and talent development. Building on extensive projects, the college faculty has made substantial achievements in scientific research. In recent years, the faculty has chaired five major projects, four key projects, seven sub-projects, and seventeen general projects, all sponsored by the Chinese National Social Science Fund, as well as sixty-eight projects at the provincial or ministerial level and sixty other projects. The faculty has published over 900 papers, including over 60 papers published in authoritative magazines such as Chinese Social Science and CASS Journal of Political Science, over 460 papers in core journals, and more than 90 monographs, translations, and textbooks. These papers won a total of six first, second, and third awards for outstanding social achievements in Chinese universities sponsored by the Ministry of Education. They also won four first prizes, five second prizes, and seven third prizes for outstanding achievements in social science in Tianjin. The Comparative Politics Studies, edited by the College, is a CSSCI-Source Journal, and the Journal of the History of Political Thought is a CSSCI-Source Extension Journal. The College has always valued learning, especially for undergraduate students. It offers three BA programs: Political Science and Public Administration, Administrative Management, and Social Work. Among them, Political Science and Public Administration was selected as the country’s first-class major, and taking the lead in national ranking by CUAA, kjw.cc.edu, and other ranking system. In 2020, the administrative management was approved as a national first-class major. Among the College’s many high-caliber graduates, one has won the Top 100 Doctoral Theses of Excellence Award, and several others won the Excellent Doctoral Theses Prize in Tianjin. The College also prioritizes teaching reform. As of now, the College has launched such pilot programs as an experimental class and liberal arts education class, which have achieved encouraging results, as evidenced by the over 70% admission rate. The faculty has recently completed the revision of History of Western Political Thought, a key textbook of Marxist Theoretical Research and Construction Project, and made outstanding progress in contemporary Western political ideologies and public administration. Within the College’s present faculty, one professor has been accredited as the country’s Eminent Teacher. Several courses are chosen as the country’s excellent course, national online open course, Tianjin first-class course, high-quality course, and ideological and political course. In recent years, the faculty has won the first prize in the Tianjin Teaching Competition.
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